Review and rating of the product

Suunto Compass MC-2

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Suunto Compass MC-2

My rating

Rating Smiley 10 out of 10 points

Author and tester

Hi, I'm Martin. Through my experience of living in the wilderness and doing nature crafts, I know how important the right equipment is. I want to help you to be well equipped for your adventures. More about me on my "About me" page.

Today, let's take a closer look at the product "Suunto Compass MC-2".

My evaluation and experience

In the midst of the dense greenery, I often take out my perhaps most loyal companion: the Suunto MC-2 G Mirror Compass. For years, it has been my constant companion on all paths that lead me through the wilderness.

Whether for orienting the next steps on a hike with the kids or for accurately taking bearings during my courses - this compass has never let me down.

Its reliability is due in no small part to the high-quality stainless steel needle with jewel bearing and the liquid-filled capsule, which ensure stable operation even under the most difficult conditions.

As dusk falls and the light in the forest slowly fades, the markings on the compass gently light up - a detail that has more than once meant the difference between orientation and getting lost.

I especially appreciate the option of declination adjustment. With the small included key, the compass can be quickly and easily calibrated, a function that is worth its weight in gold in the wilderness, far away from anything that smells of technology.

The base plate with magnifying glass and the metric scales significantly facilitate reading maps and planning routes.

For anyone seriously engaged in expeditions, trekking, bushcraft, and survival, this 75-gram compass is more than just an accessory. It is a piece of reliability in the hand that provides security in the wilderness and strengthens confidence in one's own abilities.

And read here: "How do I use a compass with a map? [Beginner's Guide]" if you are keen to learn more about using compasses.

I like that

I do not like

  • The bezel made of plastic could be more robust
  • For beginners could the multitude of functions at first overwhelming be

What other buyers say about the product

I have looked at many reviews and the customers are very satisfied with the compass for the most part. They praise how precise, robust, and versatile the compass is. That matches my experiences.

Particularly highlighted is the quick orientation, the fluorescent elements to use the compass in the dark, and the useful additional features such as declination correction and clinometer. Customers also appreciate the ease of use.

However, there are also criticisms: Some customers report a lackluster manual and difficulties in operation, for example a difficult to turn compass rose. However, I must point out that a compass is a navigation device and everyone is responsible for learning how a compass works with a map.

In short, the majority of reviews suggest that the compass is a recommended purchase for outdoor enthusiasts and professionals.

My rating and conclusion

The Suunto MC2 compass proves its robustness and rightfully stands at the top of navigation aids that you can buy. Outdoor professionals often recommend a Suunto MC2 along with a map as a meaningful addition to GPS devices.

In my opinion, this is the best compass you can find. It is not only light and easy to handle, but also very robust and precise. In addition, there are practical features that set it apart from the competition and are truly useful. What more could you want?

Based on my tests and usage, I rate the product "Suunto Compass MC-2" with the following score:

Rating Smiley 10 out of 10 points

Buy Suunto Compass MC-2

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Current price: $70.00

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Since this is a review and test report, here ...

🤝8 reasons to trust my review

  1. Hands-on experience: I have tested most of the products I recommend myself in a variety of conditions.

  2. Independence: As a wilderness mentor, I am not tied to any particular brands - this means my recommendations are unbiased.

  3. Expertise: My years of experience allow me to understand the intricacies and details of various products that a layperson may miss.

  4. Target audience understanding: I understand the needs and challenges of outdoor enthusiasts, from beginners to seasoned experts.

  5. Quality focus: I place a high value on quality and durability. These are characteristics that are crucial in the wilderness.

  6. Clear communication: I try to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each product clearly and understandably so that you can make an informed decision.

  7. Up-to-date: I always keep my reviews up to date and adapt them to new findings or products.

  8. Community feedback: I work in wilderness schools, give courses myself, attend courses and am active in various outdoor and survival communities and therefore integrate the feedback and experiences of others into my recommendations.

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