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These 10 types of people will have a hard time when SHTF - do you belong?

There are 10 types of people who will have a hard time after or during a crisis. Do you know such people, or maybe you are one of them?

from Martin Gebhardt | Prepping | no comment yet | reading time 6 Min
Updated on 14 March 2024 15.207 views 92% found this guide helpful
These 10 types of people will have a hard time when SHTF - do you belong?

Martin Gebhardt

From Martin Gebhardt. Check out my “About me” page.

👉 The key facts from this guide

  • Individuals who quickly fall into panic will have a hard time, as they make impulsive decisions and have a limited perception.
  • The "lone wolf" will have a hard time, as they are without the support of a group or allies.
  • People with limited survival skills will have a hard time, as they are unable to apply basic survival skills.
  • People without sufficient resources will have a hard time, as they do not have enough resources to survive.
  • Pacifists may have a hard time, as they may not be able to defend themselves.
  • Indecisive people may have a hard time, as they may not be able to make quick and decisive decisions.
  • People who are too open with their resources may have a hard time, as they could become a target for looters.
  • Chronically ill people may have a hard time, as they regularly rely on certain medications.
  • The "late bloomer" who misses the right time to escape will have a hard time.
  • The weak-willed person who lacks the ambition and will to survive will have a hard time.

Have you ever thought about how successful you will be when a disaster strikes?

One way or another, an SHTF scenario will lead to some people having a much harder time than others.

In such an exceptional situation, as you know, it can mean inevitable death.

You're probably familiar with this: while watching an action or horror movie, you can usually predict fairly accurately at the beginning which character will die first, right?

This is particularly because these characters have certain characteristics that are unfavorable in such scenarios.

In the following article, you will learn which traits will make it particularly difficult for you when SHTF.

You will also get to know the types of people that are unlikely to survive such a scenario.

Do you belong to them?

People who quickly panic

At the very beginning, I want to stress this: you absolutely cannot afford to panic when disaster strikes.

Of course, when society collapses, all of our usual safety guarantees disappear, and, primarily at the beginning, it's extremely difficult to maintain orientation and control.

It's generally understandable why a significant number of people panic when SHTF, but unfortunately it doesn't help - especially not you.

Panic makes everything worse - try to avoid it
Panic makes everything worse - try to avoid it

I'm not talking about fear here, because everyone will probably have that in such a moment, but about full-blown panic, which can come with significant loss of control.

Because what does panic mean? Quite simply:

  • Unthinking decisions
  • Limited perception
  • Hasty actions

Each point can cause you significant difficulties, even cost you your life, in an exceptional scenario.

Therefore, do your best to stay calm and not let panic arise. Do you feel fear spreading through your body? Accept it, breathe calmly and focus on finding solutions that will help you in the long term.

Also read

How to deal with panic in emergency situations - Panic in emergency situations: Your enemies are fear and frustration. Kick them in the butt! Problems must be solved. Successes must occur.

The "lone wolf"

Do you sometimes think you would be better off alone when SHTF?

Or are you fascinated by strong survivalists, who in apocalyptic Hollywood movies fight their way alone through a completely destroyed world without needing any help?

If so, get rid of both thoughts and ideas immediately.

der einzelgaenger wird es schwer haben bei shtf

Because that has nothing to do with reality, quite the opposite.

If you find yourself in a post-apocalyptic scenario, then you definitely want to be part of a group or at least gather a few allies around you.

How difficult do you think it will be to gather and transport sufficient supplies if you are alone?

Sure, you can build yourself a small shelter where you can find shelter for a while.

However, if your supplies run out, you will have to venture out and leave your new home unprotected.

In addition, you will always be at a disadvantage compared to larger groups. If you're lucky, they might take you in. If not, you'll probably be a grateful victim of looting.

Humans are social creatures, not solitary creatures.

Civilization could only form because we began to live in larger and larger groups.

So get away from the idea of being a lone wolf if you want to survive a SHTF scenario as unscathed as possible.

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Lack of survival skills

With the collapse of society, pretty much all of the luxury goods and services that currently seem normal to us disappear.

We are always taken care of without having to take care of most things ourselves. Our food and water supply is secured by the supermarket or the tap, medicine by pharmacies and doctor's offices.

With all the positive aspects that modern society brings, it also has disadvantages.

Due to constant luxury, we are spoiled and have almost completely forgotten how to survive in the wild without the support of the social system.

Conversely, this also means that we rely too much on what can have fatal consequences in a survival scenario.

A self-built water filter for a survival situation
A self-built water filter for a survival situation

Those who are not able to relearn the survival basics that were already known by our ancestors will have a significantly harder time than others when SHTF. In general, you should acquire the skills that were normal for people before our modern world.

You can find particularly good tips for this in the following articles on my blog:

People without Adequate Supplies

As a prepper or at least a person interested in prepping, this point should be clear to you.

Once social and market processes have fully come to a standstill and the supermarket shelves have emptied, the only supplies left are those in your own four walls.

During an SHTF scenario, you will neither have the time nor the opportunity to quickly obtain reasonable supplies.

A few extra cans in the basement may make a difference in a crisis
A few extra cans in the basement may make a difference in a crisis

As you know, prepping is not the norm in modern society. In case of emergency, this will lead to a true storm on supermarkets and food supplies, leaving almost nothing behind.

Those who are too slow or cannot assert themselves may ultimately suffer from hunger. The consequences are higher susceptibility to infections, dehydration, and malnutrition. All three factors can lead to death.

Read also

Prepper List: What you need to survive (+PDF) - The Prepper List ensures your survival in an emergency. This way, you are well prepared for disasters. Download our free PDF list.


Let me be very clear here: Your pacifist views are honorable and well-intentioned, but they will definitely not help you here.

Although it may be difficult for you to abandon them, it is necessary to come to terms with them.

Take a look at self-defense and maybe even legal weapons
Take a look at self-defense and maybe even legal weapons

Especially pacifists will be helpless against looters and other criminals who do not hesitate to use violence. Now is not the time for peaceful negotiations and diplomacy, at least not always.

Everyone, absolutely everyone, must be able to defend themselves, their family, and their companions in an SHTF scenario.

Those who refrain from doing so due to pacifist convictions will not survive in such a situation for long.

Indecisive People

Do you belong to the rather indecisive people who do not like to make decisions at all?

If so, then I have bad news for you, because this trait also greatly reduces your chances of survival in an SHTF scenario.

unentschlossene menschen

In contrast to everyday life, quick and decisive decisions are crucial in this situation, which can decide life and death in case of emergency.

Doubters, hesitant and indecisive people definitely have a disadvantage here.

People who are too open with their supplies

Where do you think people look for supplies when all shelves are empty and all food is consumed?

Of course - exactly where they expect to find these supplies and food!

Do you know any preppers who are too open with their activity and especially their supplies?

A little bit of open chatting here - giving away a few informations there. Unconsciously, you can reveal a lot in open conversation, often even with strangers.

Something like this - especially in an exceptional situation - naturally spreads.

If you don't want to be known as a free supermarket or a self-service shop for looters, keep a low profile.

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Chronically ill people

Chronically ill people who regularly have to rely on certain medications are fundamentally at a disadvantage.

However, thorough preparation makes it possible to at least partially compensate for this.

pepper medikamente vorsorge

If society collapses, the healthcare system will also be affected, so the supply of medication is therefore at risk.

If you belong to this group of people, you should ensure that you always have access to your medication.

Otherwise, you can check if there are alternatives available to you in case of an emergency situation.

Read also

Medicines for preppers - your home pharmacy for a crisis - Check out the prepper list of medicines. This is how you prepare for a crisis with medication. A PDF is available for free download and printing.

The Late Bloomer

Your perfectly packed bug-out bag (check out my guide here) and your optimally located bug-out location (find my guide to BOL here) won't help you if you're a late bloomer and miss the right time to escape.

In today's world, you can observe this especially during natural disasters. Many people stay put despite warnings.

Only in the very last moment, shortly before everything starts, does this group of people decide to flee.

Unfortunately, it is often too late by then.

Eternally long traffic jams and other blockages prevent the Bug Out Location from being reached at all. Therefore, keep an eye on the situation and don't wait too long, otherwise it will be too late.

zu spaet

The Weak-Willed

What must not be missing alongside all the preparation, supplies, skills and other aspects is:

  • the motivation, ambition and willpower to survive and emerge victorious from a situation

I won't lie to you: an SHTF situation will be anything but pleasant or easy to master.

You will likely have to sacrifice and give up many things that are important to you and often ask yourself whether there is any hope for improvement.

Many people tend to bury their heads in the sand and simply give up in such situations.

motivation notsituation

Even now, in the midst of our modern society, there are a large number of people who are not willing to pursue their goals and focus their willpower on them.

Even the smallest obstacles will cause the previously deemed important goal to be abandoned.

Avoid belonging to this group of people. You must not find yourself unable to survive an SHTF situation.

Start now by persistently pursuing your goals and strengthening your will to succeed!

What is difficult for you now will be even more difficult in the event of an emergency if you do not prepare mentally and morally for it.

Read also

The first 13 things a new prepper should learn - Do you want to know how to prepare for the future and crises? Start with these 13 simple prepping things, and you're on the right track.

Conclusion: The time to prepare is now!

As you can see, you can already work on each of the points mentioned in the article to significantly increase your chances of survival in an emergency.

You've already taken the first step: You've read the article and recognized potential weaknesses that could make life difficult for you in a crisis or disaster.

Now think about the points and groups of people again and check which ones apply to you.

If you can identify with one or more groups of people, start working on it!

Prepare yourself now, strengthen yourself and be ready when the emergency occurs.

Take care, Martin
Martin Gebhardt

Author of the guide

Martin Gebhardt

Hey, I'm Martin. On my blog, you will learn the basics and numerous details about living in the wild. I think survival, bushcraft and the good life in nature are the keys to happiness. Find me here on Instagram or on YouTube. You can find more about my mission on the About Me page.

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